Eva2z Electric

Electric Vehicle? 

You’ve landed at the perfect place

Eva2z Electric is a Leading Manufacturer of Electric
Two-Wheelers in India

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The global market has witnessed a significant impact from the emergence of electric vehicles, particularly electric bikes and scooters, which have gained immense popularity in India. With a highly competitive market and a rapidly growing demand for e-vehicles, there is substantial room for expansion. If you’re considering venturing into the electric scooter dealership business, Eva2z Electric Scooter stands out as the ideal brand to kickstart your journey.



Rs. 71,000  Rs.73,000     Buy Now


Rs.68,000   Rs.70,000     Buy Now


Rs.82,000   Rs.84,000      Buy Now


Rs. 61,000 Rs. 63,000      Buy Now


Rs. 61,000  Rs. 63,000      Buy Now


Rs 63,000   Rs. 64,000      Buy Now

Why Eva2z Electric ?

EVA2Z offers something special that sets us apart. Our top priority is ensuring an affordable package, access to the newest models, and a convenient travel method. With us, it feels like you’re driving your vehicle!


Where Quality is More Than a Promise

Technical Support

Just make us a call , Technician be there

IoT Devices Installed

Real-time tracking, Anti-theft alarms, Remote activation and deactivation

Your satisfaction is our priority

Ensuring your happiness every step of the way

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Greater Noida



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